R3 Vox (R2Sonic’s new incarnation in Malta) will hopefully be releasing the Voxometer in Q1 next year. It is a multibeam, but then it isn’t, as it collects voxels (squares) of data at multiple frequencies all at the same time. This will open up new products, acquisition methods and could really be a game changer. […]
Category: Hardware

Snippets vs TruePix™, how do they compare? – R2Sonic
One of the reasons we use R2Sonic sonars for asset inspection is because of its TruePix sidescan output. This excellent article explains why/how it is different to Snippets backscatter. Snippets vs TruePix™, how do they compare? – R2Sonic:

Multibeam.net back up and blogging
Now that I am the Chief Strategy Officer for XOCEAN I thought I would get back to blogging about any high resolution seabed mapping related news. So my first post should be about the amazing XO-450 USVs. We are currently up to X09 and should be to X12 by early next year. The only USV […]
Nice use of 3 different types of underwater mapping
Pearl Habour wrecks surveyed with multibeam, LiDAR and underwater photogrammetry. Coolest thing is making models of wreck artefacts by using 3D printers. The small USV is also pretty impressive – complete with R2Sonic 2020.

Yaw Compensation
Interesting article on the Kongsberg website about Yaw Compensation in shallow water. Click to access Kongsberg-EM-Technical-Note-The-advantages-of-yaw-stabilization.pdf

Richard Montgomery
MCA have just released the Richard Montgomery Survey report from the 2011 survey that MMT-NetSurvey conducted. It’s also been in the news recently about whether it will stop the building of a new London airport. I hope it will because Heathrow is much easier to get to for me.
MosaicHydro – Pro-Notes
Mike Brissette at MosaicHydro has put together some interesting notes on lessons learnt. MosaicHydro – Pro-Notes: “”
Reson User Conference – Program
This is the link to the RESON USer Conference program on the Monday before Oceanology next week. Interesting presentations, especially Dan Parsons’ presentation as that is all about sediment movement – nothing to do with depths, which makes it quite refreshing. Reson – Program: “” (Via .)
The new Odom MB1
This sonar is meant to be USD 50,000 – could be interesting if it works well. Odom Hydrographic Systems – Products – Multibeam Echo Sounders – MB1: “” (Via .)
My paper at Shallow Survey 2012
Here is my paper from Shallow Survey 2012. I took the Shallow Survey dataset from RESON, R2Sonic and Kongsberg and put them through the QPS Fledermaus FMGT app to see if you could a) build a nice mosaic and b) have nice acoustic response curves from which to determine sediment type. As you will see, […]